This is about some recent experience I had with systemd on the Raspberry Pi. The idea was to set up a process to continuously run in the background as user ‘pi’, so I decided to give systemd’s user services a try (as opposed to the system ones). It turns out I missed some important detail in the docs, which led to surprising results.
My Setup: Two Raspberry Pis, one with a camera
There are two devices involved: CapturePi for capturing images from its camera, and PullPi to pull those images at a certain rate via ssh. While for PullPi’s task a simple cronjob is probably sufficient, I wanted CapturePi to have a full-blown service that would permanently run in the background.
Let’s take a look at the simpler one first. Here’s the relevant line of the crontab for user pi on PullPi:
*/10 6-21 * * * /home/pi/
During the day, some shell script is called every ten minutes. This is not shown here, but its job is to connect to CapturePi via ssh and copy the latest camera snapshot to a local folder.
As a side note: You might be asking yourself why we even want to have two devices for this task. And if so, why not just trigger the camera capture from PullPi right away, instead of having two things going on asynchronously?
I like this approach for a few reasons: first of all, the internet connection of CapturePi is not very reliable. The device might just go offline for a few hours during the day and then re-appear on the radar. Also, the device doesn’t provide a way for the user to look at the images it has captured – it’s behind a NAT router whose configuration we don’t want to touch. Furthermore, I want CapturePi to sample images more often than just every ten minutes, and it should store them locally, no matter how bad its network connection might be (so I may download them later).
Now back to the main topic: For setting up the second part, the systemd service on CapturePi, I followed a tutorial on github. I created a service for the user pi and enabled it so it would start automatically when the system boots up.
The configuration file for the service looks like this:
# ~/.config/systemd/user/capture.service
Description=My Capture Service
ExecStart=/usr/bin/python3 /home/pi/
This configures systemd to execute
for the user pi. In addition, the environment is manipulated to make the script’s output show up in syslog properly. The script (not shown here) contains an endless loop to capture an image from the camera once every minute.
To enable this service (so it would start on system boot) we run:
systemctl --user enable capture
Note that none of these actions required root access to the device. This does feel a bit suspicious to me – but we will come to that later.
After setting up and testing all of this, everything seemed to work just fine.
When weird behavior began
The issues suddenly appeared when I started logging off of the CapturePi system, mainly because the debugging phase was over, I assumed (but actually it was about to begin just now).
I started to notice huge variations in the sampling interval of the system. While the images on PullPi were sampled every ten minutes, just as expected, the other ones (stored on CapturePi locally) had timestamps I found hard to reason about:
Some images were sampled correctly once every minute, whereas others had a timestamp difference of about ten minutes. This is surprising because one of the main goals was to do the faster sampling on CapturePi, regardless of the polling interval of PullPi.
From the logs (/var/log/syslog
), it looks like systemd would kill the new service every ten minutes:
Aug 29 18:00:21 pi systemd[597]: capture.service: Main process exited,
code=killed, status=15/TERM
Aug 29 18:10:08 pi systemd[597]: capture.service: Main process exited,
code=killed, status=15/TERM
Aug 29 18:20:11 pi systemd[597]: capture.service: Main process exited,
code=killed, status=15/TERM
It almost seems like systemd killing the process has something to do with sample intervals getting longer – but how?
Let’s put together what we know by now:
- During initial testing, images were always sampled once per minute.
- Later, the sampling rate dropped (but only for certain periods).
- Systemd kills the capture process every 10 minutes.
The 10 minutes interval looks very suspicious. Is this some systemd default setting: re-start user processes every 10 minutes? Googling this behavior doesn’t reveal anything.
Checking the docs again…
Maybe reconsidering the systemd docs is a good idea. What’s the difference between system and user services, anyway?
An article on the Arch Linux wiki provides a good hint about user services:
This process will survive as long as there is some session for that user, and will be killed as soon as the last session for the user is closed.
Oh, this might explain why systemd suddenly started killing the process: During initial testing and debugging, there was always an ssh connection established – keeping one last session open, and therefore preventing systemd from killing the service.
To be fair with the original tutorial I followed: it turns out this behavior is also mentioned there, and they even tell you how to fix it:
You can make your user’s systemd instance independent from your user’s sessions […] via
sudo loginctl enable-linger $USER
Wow, that’s great: enabling User Lingering prevents systemd from killing the service – so that fixes the issue.
But what about the 10 minutes?
Sure, it’s working now. That’s good. Nevertheless, there’s still a part of the story I find hard to explain: at the times when no user was logged in, why did the service keep capturing images? Well, it happened at a lower rate. But why did the service run at all during those periods?
Remember that cron job pulling the latest image via scp? Triggered via a cron job?
Well, it turns out that this is enough to start a session for the user pi on CapturePi and make the capture script run just a single time. :-)
- Systemd user services seem to be intended for processes to be run as long as a user is logged in.
- For services running longer, either use ‘lingering’ user services or system services.